

Artist Statement
Graduation invitation

What career I’m most interested in as in photography is wedding photography, Professional development courses or work ship.

As of March 25, 2024, the average hourly pay for a wedding photographer in the United States is 47.69 an hour.

But in my opinion every photographer is paid differently.

The job responsibilities are capture action shots of ceremony preparations, wedding ceremonies, and receptions.

Or even capture posed photographs of the bride, groom, wedding party, and family member.

As I was doing some research photography is definitely a room for growth every year maybe even months of every other picture you may take there is lots of growth.

Pros and cons for this career is pro #1 potentially very profitable this is the big one. Cone #2 Financially unstable and another pro is you are able to work on yourself. This is my career that I picked.



Inspirational Poster
Album Covers for Digital Audio Production Students
Multiple Exposure with off camera flash
Recreate a photo

Touch series
Time magazine cover
replacement for
“ reflection of future self “
flat surface photo
Replacement For Self Portraits
Macro Close up
What’s in your head?
Light painting Portraits
Food Photography


My self in 10 years
I see myself being successful, being an ultrasound Tech. I see myself traveling and exploring the world with someone special. I see myself with a family and my dream car. I see myself happy and going to church to give thanks to God.

Low Key Portrait or Still life 3 tips I have are to make sure your settings are right. Another tip I have is to edit your pictures through photoshop always. 3rd tip I have is to give the person your shooting poses to do.
  1. I am most interested in Portrait photography.
  2. Some responsibilities could include finding good locations for the photoshoots, meeting with clients to discuss their needs and preferences.
  3. A portrait photographer in LA gets paid around $20.48 an hour
  4. I enjoy taking portrait photos
  5. You would need an associates degree, creativity, proficiency in using photo editing and software.                                                 Carrer Tree



Social Poster This is a poster saying immigrants are welcome here and it’s for any immigration. Why I feel this way is because people should not be getting treated bad because of where they are from. I choose to stand on this because everyone deserves to get treated equally. My argument against this is that the president/government needs to let everyone have their own freedom.


Football Senior Photo's
Football Senior Photo’s
Double Color Exposures
my 8 images



A jpeg is a type of format that stands for “Joint photographic experts group”, it is commonly used method of lossy compression for photography. Png is short for portable network graphic, it is a faster-graphics file format that supports lossless data compression. Tiff is short for tag image file format, it is for storing raster graphics images. Gif is graphics interchange format, which is a format that supports animated and static images. A Raw file is lossless, meaning it captures uncompressed data from your camera sensor.

If the camera is set to JPEG, this raw data is processed and compressed before it is saved in the JPEG format. If the camera format is set to raw, no processing is applied, and therefore the file stores more tonal and color data. JPEG just sets the standard for Internet images and the small file size accommodates storage. Tiff images contain all of the data of the original photograph, resulting in significantly larger files and high quality images. Meanwhile, jpeg files lose some data with each save.






Mirror Image


Depth of field





Aperture controls the area over which light can enter your camera. shutter speed controls the duration of the exposure. iso controls the sensitivity of your camera’s sensor to a given amount of light.

  1. when less light is available
  2. aperture priority controls the aperture, shutter priority controls the emphasis on shutter speed
  3.  you can select one either through the camera settings menu or with a button dedicated to it.
  4. to tell you when you have proper exposure.
  5. a wide angle lens provides a wide field of view and allows you to capture more of the scene in front of view. On the other hand, a telephoto lens has a narrower field of view
  6. adjust images to make white subjects look white in the final product.
  7. depth of field is the area of acceptable sharpness in front of and behind the subject which the lens is focused.
  8. What are drive modes and metering modes? – Metering describes the process of how your camera decides to assign the right shutter speed and aperture based on the amount of light the camera can pick up. and Drive Modes are the shooting modes in your camera, such as single shooting (where one image is taken at a time), continuous shooting, self-timer mode and more.
  9. a setting that lets you override what the camera thinks is right.